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Many thanks for taking the time to finish the report before going home this evening.  Please also pass on my thanks to Michael for the expedience and courtesy at which he has undertaken the survey and delivered the findings.  It has saved us a lot of prolonged and unnecessary distress as a result of last week’s ‘interesting’ homeowner’s report.

Simon Butler Residential Client

On behalf of Water Band Rossendale please could I offer a sincere thank you. We very much appreciate that you gave up your valuable time to come out to the band room and then write up a report of behalf of the trust.

Jason Williamson
Band Treasurer Water Band Rossendale

Thank you so much for your support throughout our wall ordeal, for patiently addressing all our queries and concerns, for using your expertise to such great effect in our dispute with the insurance company, for never giving up on our project and for never losing faith in finding a workable solution. We couldn’t have done it without you and we are forever grateful.

Steve & Barbara Howorth Residential Clients

Many thanks for your prompt assistance in this matter.

Gary Jones
Partner Woodcocks Haworth & Nuttall Solicitors

Thanks for the quick response in getting out to look at this (next day) and getting the report back.

Danny Wilson
Project Engineer United Utilities

Can you pass on my thanks to Mr Pooler for getting out there so quickly and turning the report around at a similar speed. It is appreciated. 

Stephen Bennett
Area Surveyor United Utilities

I’ve been impressed by the professionalism and rapidity with how this matter has been dealt with and the sound advice I’ve had from Michael – thank you for all that.

David Seymour Residential Client

Thank you for the positive swift response !!! AGAIN !!

Adrian Ash
Contracts Manager / Director Waitings Drainage & Pipeline Contractors

One of the marks of a committed and successful consultancy is the nurturing and maintenance of long-term, commercially beneficial relationships with all members of the construction supply chain. The Roger Bullivant relationship with Michael Pooler Associates has spanned over 30 years. This is largely due to the skill, knowledge and integrity of the team at MPA. Long may our relationship continue.

John Patch
Director Roger Bullivant Ltd

Michael Pooler Associates have provided a dedicated service inspecting and producing structural engineering reports for over 20 years on a full range of properties across the North West.

The reports are detailed and concise, provide invaluable information to deal with any issues or claims that may arise when major construction works are being undertaken in close proximity to a structure.

Nicola Vose
Partner P Wilson & Company